
What problems of the sales department are solved by the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365?

Every company, sooner or later faces the challenge of implementing a Customer Relationships Managament system in an organization to cope with the business challenges every organization has to face. On our website, you can find a few articles in which we have already answered key questions regarding this issue. 

How does cooperation with ARP Ideas look like?

Transparency is one of the most important values for the ARP Ideas team. We believe that is the key to build mutual trust between individual business partners. 

Meet the most interesting solutions from Resco

This year, we have joined the group of Resco partners, whose products are being used in small and medium-sized enterprises and international corporations all around the world. Resco apps are able to easily connect with a variety of CRM and ERP systems, including Microsoft Dynamics 365, which allows a wide range of possible actions with the company’s database. 

Fixed Price vs. Time and Material

Modern IT solutions are no longer just a curiosity in the world of business. On the contrary, they are the foundation of its functioning for years. It is nearly impossible to imagine a production company without an ERP system implemented, or a sales department that does not use CRM. The implementation of this type of solution has become inevitable. 

Why is it worth outsourcing IT specialists?

Building competitive advantage in modern business is based, among others, on the outsourcing of the processes necessary for the effective operation of the company, including those related to IT. This is a consequence of the fact that it is increasingly difficult to recruit experienced experts and project managers on the market. This process is time-consuming and expensive. Being time-consuming is even a higher threat to the company than its price, especially when you need to finish a priority project up to the deadline. That is one of many reasons why it is often worth outsourcing activities to the external company.

You don’t have to deal with recruitment anymore

As it goes for the IT market, especially in the context of software developers, we can talk about the employee’s market. Finding a programmer who will have the right set of skills and wants to join your team at the same time is a difficult task.

As a consequence, many companies that would theoretically prefer to have in-house programmers, consider outsourcing at least some specialists. First of all, it is a real-time-saver, but apart from that, the costs associated with conducting recruitment and keeping personnel records are eliminated.

Avoid the costs associated with employer branding for programmers

The high requirements of potential IT employees translate into the fact that you need to attract them effectively.  Creating a brand of a good employer for IT specialists requires the involvement of marketing and HR departments. At the same time, they could be involved in acquiring potential leads or carrying out internal HR tasks. 

Specialists with a specific range of skills are obtained

Situations in which a company needs a programmer with a particular set of skills for a relatively short time – two weeks, a month, half a year tend to happen quite often. Let’s assume that you are about to deploy a project that requires specific skills which are not needed for any regular tasks in your company. Keeping a specialist who is capable of delivering it on a full-time basis would make no sense and would only generate costs. Finding someone to work just for one project is often even more difficult. And employee training that would allow creating a project team that is able to execute such tasks, will cost time and money. As a rule – building teams is expensive.

IT outsourcing is here to save the day. Recruiting a dedicated development team including experts with extensive experience, in most cases, will be basically the most effective solution.

Transparent conditions, little formalities

Starting outsourcing cooperation does not have to be formally complicated. In most cases, it starts with sending an inquiry to a potential business partner with a description of the competencies that a potential employee should have, some information about the project, and its duration. Then you receive CVs of the candidates who meet your requirements with a description of the technologies in which they specialize and projects in which they have already participated.

If you decide to employ each specialist, you just need to sign the order or contract. The contract is primarily recommended if you intend to establish long-term cooperation between companies and consider outsourcing more people for a given project. In this case, you have a guarantee that the already established terms of cooperation will not change, and outsourcing more people will be just a matter of sending an e-mail.

Thanks to the simplified formal path and general principles of cooperation, the responsibility for the employee rests primarily within the company that provides specialists, while at the same time you can fully use their skills and experience.

Replacement in the event of vacation or illness

Each everyone of us gets sick from time to time. Usually, it is unpredictable. When your in-house programmer gets sick, it’s your problem. If at the moment he or she is not working on an urgent project it’s not a huge problem, if the key business operations don’t stop – you can just wait it out. However, there are also situations in which the deadlines are chasing, and your client doesn’t really care whether your developer is ill or not. In such a case the replacement is needed as soon as possible.

This is another classical case in which you might need to outsource programmers. It allows you to replace your developer for a short or a long time. What is more – if the hired IT specialist gets sick, then the responsibility is on the company that provided you with him or her. In such a situation we guarantee, we will always replace such an employee with one who has the same or very similar set of knowledge, experience, and skills.

Non-wage labor costs go away

Developers are well paid professional group. Considering non-wage labor costs, employing in-house IT specialists can be a really massive cost for a company. Even if some cases, the cost of outsourcing might be comparable to hiring in-house programmers, it does not change the fact that the advantages of this model are measurable.

The primary responsibility for the verification and recruitment of competent IT specialists is on the provider. What is more, you do not have to worry whether the specialist is sick, HR costs go away, and the company’s flexibility goes higher.


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